About Us > Chairman

Profile of Chairman of the Board of Directors

Major Honors Received by Chairman of the Board of Directors Jiang Xipei over the Years

  • Representative of the 16th CPC National Congress
  • "National Model Worker" Awarded by the State Council
  • "China May Fourth Youth Medal" Awarded by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China
  • "National Outstanding Township Enterprise Manager" and "National Outstanding Township Entrepreneur" Awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture
  • "Top Ten Newsmakers of National Township Enterprises in 2001" Awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture
  • "Top Ten Outstanding Cross-Century Technological Talents of China" Awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology
  • "Advanced Individual in National Professional Ethics" Awarded by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions
  • "Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneurs in China" Awarded by the Economic Development Research Center of the State Council
  • "Outstanding Private Entrepreneur in Jiangsu Province" and "Outstanding Entrepreneur in Jiangsu Province" Awarded by the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the People's Government of Jiangsu Provi...
  • "Jiangsu Outstanding Party Member" Awarded by the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee
  • "Top Ten Outstanding Young People in Jiangsu Province" Awarded by the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League of China
  • "Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Jiangsu Province" Awarded by the Propaganda Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League o...

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Jiang Xipei

  • Founder, Chairman of the Board, Communist Party Committee Secretary of Far East Holding Group Co., Ltd.
  • Vice President of China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association
  • President of Development Promotion Association of Jiangsu Private Enterprises
  • President of Jiangsu Photoelectric cable Chamber of Commerce
  • Chancellor of Far East University
  • Honorary Executive of Far East Charity Foundation
  • Executive Director of Jiangnan University Business School
  • Founding Director of China Entrepreneur Club
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